Category: Diabetes

Finding Your Tribe

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Have you ever noticed that sometimes people look at you like you are talking a foreign language when you begin to discuss your Diabetes? Much like most areas of our lives, Diabetes has its own lingo, language and topics. We talk about glucose, meters, insulin and much more, but this is not what everyone else…

Stop Thinking About the Past

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It is said that those who don’t learn from their past are doomed to repeat it. Although I agree with this statement, I add to it, those who continually relive the past in their mind are doomed to have more experiences like this in the future. Your Past As I have been learning more and…

Love Yourself

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Well George, this sounds pretty conceded! Why would I ever think that I needed to write an article about loving yourself on a Diabetes website? The more I have reflected on what helped me the most to reverse my Type 2 Diabetes, I have realized that I needed to get a great big healthy dose…

I Am, Who I Am

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I recently heard someone saying, “I am, who I am …” when talking about life and their current situation. Although they were not a Diabetic, I thought that this phrase had some real applications into the world of Diabetes. I am a Diabetic When people ask me about my weight loss, the first thing I…

Sleep and Willpower

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As the time of my next run event approaches, I find myself exercises more and more so I get a good opportunity to experiment with different factors of my life to see what is working and what isn’t. Two Runs, Different Results One morning I got up just like normal, put on my running close…

Sad, So Sad

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The other day I was talking to someone that I know from the community and his situation made me very sad. Not because of health conditions or the struggles he was having physically, but because of the things his medication was doing to him. The Vicious Cycle When I first started talking to this individual…

Diabetic Habit

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Over the course of my lifetime, I have always had this saying, “I didn’t gain all this weight in a day, week, month… so I am not going to lose it in a day, week, month!  “ How true this statement is, especially when I started listening to the book, The Power of Habit: Why We…

Happy Diabetic

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I was listening to this book “The Happiness Advantage” by Shawn Achor when he made the point that most people believe that once they reach a point, they will be happy. However, the reality is that when people reached that point, they look for another point to reach, thus never getting to happiness. Happiness comes…

Diabetic One Thing

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Everyday our attention is divided into several activities, tasks and directions. Managing all of the distractions has become a full time job for most people. When I started listening to The One Thing: The Surprising Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller, I realized that Gary proposes a simple question that as a Diabetic can…

Great Questions

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I just finished reading this great book titled “Good Leaders Ask Great Questions” by John C. Maxwell and the more I read, the more I thought about the “Great Questions” a Diabetic should be asking themselves. Am I a Diabetic? This is the first great question that popped into my head. It’s the question that…

Obese, Not Anymore

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For most of life, like most people, I have struggled with my weight. All through my late 20s, all throughout my 30s and it got awful in my 40s, I was on the roller coaster of weight gain, weight loss. I would gain a few pounds, try a new diet, lose a few pounds… but…

Celebrate the Little Things

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If a couple of months ago someone would have told me that I would be running (walking sometimes) in 5k, 10K and Half Marathon events… I would have laughed out loud and told them “No Way!” Accomplishments As of the writing of this article, I have participated in a lot of marathons and physical activities,…

Do You Need Help?

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Since my Diabetic reversal, my conversations often turn to Diabetes, and I am amazed at the number of people whom I know are living with Diabetes and I never even knew. By nature I am not a nosy person, so it didn’t surprise me that I didn’t know, but what I didn’t expect was the number of…

Good Veggies, Bad Veggies

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As a continuation to my series on the carbohydrates in food.. Good Nuts, Bad Nuts, and Good Fruit, Bad Fruit, I have been wondering how vegetables stack up against each other when it comes to carbohydrates. Typically most people think that vegetables are all good to eat, but as you will see, some vegetables are very high in…

Why Me? I Am Not A Diabetic

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There are three kinds of people in the world of Diabetes, those with Diabetes, those who are going to get Diabetes, and those that don’t ever think they can get Diabetes. Because of the last group, those that think they can’t get diabetes, I get questions about how the Live Like a Diabetic philosophy can…

I Do That!

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I can’t tell you how many times, I hear the response “I do that!” when I discuss how I got my diabetes under control with people who don’t have their diabetes under control, so what is the problem? Harsh Truth Okay, so WARNING … what I am about to tell you might be harsh, but…

Getting Started (Keep It Simple)

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A popular term that goes around at where I work is KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid), which is intended to help us remember not to complicate things that are complicated. Practical Applications This principle of KISS has become very apparent to me as I talk with people about my success and how they too can…

Small Changes, Huge Results

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I was talking with a friend of mine, who doesn’t have diabetes but is trying to manage their weight, about my weight loss experience. How Did You Do It? So, the most common question is “How did you do it?” which makes me feel like I used some super secret technique or I have some…

Eating Right on the Road

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This summer I had the opportunity to spend a week at a Boy Scouts of America summer camp with my son. In the past, this week of camping included bugs, heat, bugs, cafeteria food and oh did I mention bugs. Camp Food Since I was last diagnosed with Diabetes, I hadn’t been to Summer camp,…

My Thoughts About Keto

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When I first start telling people about how I lost all of my weight, they immediately ask me if I am doing the Keto diet? What is Keto? If you haven’t heard about the Keto diet, let me give you a little insight. The name “Keto” comes from a process within the body called ketosis….

Good Nuts, Bad Nuts

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Since I wrote the article about Good Fruit, Bad Fruit, some people have been asking me to do additional articles about other groups of foods, so I decided to pick nuts and seeds as my next category. Nuts and seeds are typically high in fiber and protein but, they are also high in carbohydrates, fat and calories,…

Learning Portion Control

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As one of the three main focuses in reversing my diabetes, learning portion control was probably one of the hardest things I had to learn. Before Diabetes I love food, I love to eat food, especially homemade comfort food. Each Sunday is my opportunity to cook dinner for the family. I really love and enjoy…

Diabetic Food Options

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I was having a discussion with my wife the other day about what I feel is the lack of diabetic food options in comparison to other alternative food options like Gluten or Peanut allergy. By the Numbers I started looking into the numbers and I found that about 29.1 million people in the United States…

Good Fruit, Bad Fruit

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When I first became a diabetic, people would tell me to stay away from fruit, “It’s high in sugar and carbohydrates”. While this is true for some fruits, most fruits, eaten in correct quantities are great for diabetics. To help myself, and others to make better fruit choices, I have ranked the most common fruits…

Me and My Glucose Curve

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In my article What Does Eat Like a Diabetic Mean? I explained that one of the three concepts behind this phrase is a Glucose Curve. Managing your glucose curve is the main point of any Type 2 Diabetic meal plan. Allow me to share my personal experience here. My Dad I remember when I was…