November 6th marks the one year anniversary of when I was admitted to the hospital and I was first diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.
Man, what a year!
As I reflect on the last year I really appreciate all the things that I have been able to accomplish and know that anyone with the right mental, physical and eating habits can accomplish similar results.
What started as a slogan, Live Like a Diabetic, has become more than just a website name, but a way of life and lifestyle unto itself.
As I look back at my Audible account, I realized that I have listened to over 60 books in the last year. I don’t think that I have listen to 60 books in the entire time since I graduated college 20 plus years ago, more less in one year.
I don’t quote this number to brag or make me look like this next big CEO or anything. I want to share this number because listening to books has become an integral and habit within my life and ability to manage my Type 2 Diabetes.
Yes, that is correct, if I wanted to manage my Type 2 Diabetes. I felt that I must listen to books and learn. Learning more about habits, disciple, overcoming my subconscious and understanding how to control all aspects of my life are so very important to managing my Type 2 Diabetes.
If you aren’t using learning as an integral part of managing your Type 2 Diabetes.
I am encouraging you to START TODAY!
This is another area where I have a nice tool to help we see who my progress has developed over the last year.
I use a tool called Fitness 22 that tracks all of my walk/runs and when I started I could barely walk/run a 5K (3.1 miles) in less than an hour. Just this last week I set a personal best doing a 10K (6.2 miles) in just over an hour with the first mile I ran in 7 minutes 32 seconds, and then was able to maintain that pace and finish with an average mile pace of 10 minutes and 30 seconds.
I am on plan to run in my first half marathon this month, January 2019.
Yes, that is right, HALF MARATHON (13.1 miles).
I honestly hate running but because I have developed my mental abilities to control my exercising, I have continually and slow developed better and better exercise habits and performance levels. There is no Boston Marathon in my near future, but I fell so much better and I know that exercise has been another integral part of my Type 2 Diabetes reversal.
Although this was the first part of my life that changed when I first found out about my Type 2 Diabetes, it has remained the most difficult to control. I find new products all the time that may or may not work for me. It’s been a trial by fire to see what elevates my glucose levels more, or helps me to keep my levels low. All while trying to keep all the other aspects of healthy eating in balance.
Balance has become the key.
Just as cutting all (or most) carbohydrates out of my diet wasn’t an option, neither has been removing balanced eating habits. Keeping my eating clean, low carbohydrates with lots of vegetables, and low meat consumption has really helped. No one “thing”, no silver bullet. IT DOESN’T EXIST!
You must monitor your glucose and figure out how your body reacts to certain foods. Figure this out and you will find like I did, that the weight will come off and your Type 2 Diabetes is reversible.
Please, tell me your story. Share your story with me below in the comment area and together, we can make things better for each other.