The Compound Effect


If you are interested in this book, we suggest that you get it here …

Have you ever made a very minor change in something that you are doing and found it to make a difference? I know as a Diabetic, I have found a number of things that when changed, made a difference in my life.

When I saw the subtitle to Darren Hardy’s book The Compound Effect, Jump start your Income, your Life, your Success I knew that this was a book I wanted to listen to.

Small Changes

A lot of people think that when they become diabetics that they have this dramatic and drastic change in their life. That is not true… just take a look at my Ultimate Diabetic Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich article.

This is a prime example of how making small changes can have a dramatic effect. Change the brand of bread, peanut butter and jelly and you can cut this all time favorite meal that would normally be a horrible option for a diabetic into a Diabetic friendly meal.

Time, Time, and More Time

So take the example this example and now multiply the effect by one meal, two meals, ten meals, one hundred meals, what do you think will be the effect?

Darren gives an awesome example is his book.

Here is the gist of it…

If you could cut 100 calories out of your diet each day, how hard would that be?

100 calories, that is nothing, shouldn’t be hard at all, but 100 calories for an entire month, that is 3000 calories, or about 1 pound.

Sounds good, but I know you want to lose 50 pounds, what good does 1 pound do?

Well, keep doing this for the next year and you have lost 12 pounds, for 5 years and you have lost 60 pounds.  FIVE YEARS! I have to wait FIVE YEARS?

When I get this response, my immediate response is.. do you really want to lose the weight? I don’t care how long it takes as long as I am making progress.


Darren refers to this small activity over long periods of repetition as The Compound Effect.

This rule applies in finances, learning, everywhere and especially for Diabetes.

Unfortunately, most Diabetics experience the negative effect of compounding. They think that little piece of pie, or that extra slice of pizza is not going to have an effect on me.

The problem is that a consistent extra of anything will eventually lead to increased weight, worsening the effects of diabetes.

Too Easy?

I amazed me as to how many people that I talk with are already using the compounding principal but in such a negative manner. Taking this same principal and doing something good with it is so easy as a matter of fact too easy.

That is a point that Darren makes in his book. That the compounding effect is easy, maybe too easy, so people think that they can skip, give up or not see the results that they want.

My experience has been that the compound effect is well worth it. Make those small changes, and try them for just a month and see the change that it will make. For more ideas and motivation check out Darren’s book, it is well worth it.

What small changes have you made that have resulted in huge benefits for you?

If you are interested in this book, we suggest that you get it here …

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