120 Day Reversal


As I sat in my hospital bed on November 6, 2017 wondering how was I going to deal with finding out that I was a new Type 2 Diabetic, thinking about all that my father had gone through as a Type 2 Diabetic, and how this condition had affected numerous people within my family, I never thought that 120 days later I would be declaring that I officially (and medically) REVERSED my Type 2 Diabetes.


That’s right, I have completely reversed my Type 2 Diabetes. I took my AIC from 10.3 down to a 5.4, my blood sugar levels from 522 to 98 and my blood pressure from 199/112 to 130/80. Although I started out with 3 diabetes and one high blood pressure prescription, with the threat of one more for cholesterol, I am now DRUG FREE with no clinical need to take any medications.

How, How, How?

When I share with people this miraculous and extraordinary transformation, they immediately as me “How?

As I reflect back on the last 120 days I have realized that there is one single principle that has been the overarching theme to my change.. my OBSESSION!

When I found out that I was a Diabetic, I became obsessed with figuring out how to take care of myself. My initial intent was not to reverse my Diabetes, but simply to keep it under control using the medications provided. I had reserved myself to the thought that I would need to take medication for the rest of my life. After all, that is the pattern that I had observed with everyone else  I knew who had Diabetes.


Not until  I learned that Diabetes could be reversed, did the idea that I could come off all my medications and control my diabetes on my own ever enter my mind, but once it did, I have to admit this: I was obsessed with it.

I didn’t know anyone who had ever reversed their Diabetes and I WANTED TO BE THE FIRST.

I began to think about what life would be like without having to worry about medication and how I would feel based on what I ate. Without the need to measure my blood sugar one, two, or three times a day, needles, shots… I became OBSESSED about being in the best shape of my life.


Using the topics and products discussed in the Eat Like a Diabetic site, I have formulated a LIFESTYLE of taking care of my Diabetes. You must become OBSESSED with a LIFESTYLE change that will lead to you getting healthier and healthier. A by-product of this obsession is the fact that I lost 70 pounds and in combination with my changed eating habits, I was able to accomplish this total reversal.

Be obsessed about your Diabetes, be obsessed with doing what it takes to reverse your condition, be obsessed about being in the best health of your life. I haven’t been  this weight in over 20 years and I don’t plan on stopping here. There is much more to come… I am OBSESSED!

Do you know anyone else that has reversed their Diabetes? Please share their story.

If you want to learn more on how I did it and my obsession with getting better, then read on my articles and posts.  I am always willing to help.



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2 Replies to “120 Day Reversal”

  1. You are absolutely right….the necessity of being obsessed with reversing diabetises
    Is the only way to tackle it. There are many who think once being treated medically for it that is enough . Or putting themselves on a mild change in diet is enough . Or cutting back on all the old eating habits that got them there to begin with, is enough.
    Everyone thinking in those terms is hiding in the sand,, not facing reality. Now the problems lie as well with the doctors .
    Obsession , believing and diet will form the basis of a reversal . You have to be committed otherwise you are fooling yourself and will fall back into a deadly way of living .
    Educate your doctors….tell them how you are obsessed with becoming healthy, un- fortunately they do not know what means. Good enough, is good enough for them!!
    Do not make it good enough for you. Be obsessed about a change and committed to doing it……making a life time diabetic change.

  2. Amazing! Thank you for sharing your journey! You are a huge inspiration, and I know your story will help so many others!

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